Fabric: linen 35 ct Mocha by Weeks Dye Works Stitch count 121 X 30 Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites 1005 Black, 1001 white, 1039 true red, 1295 Sterling, 1056 Medium Tanny tan, 1833 Pumpkin pie, …

Fabric: linen 35 ct Mocha by Weeks Dye Works Stitch count 121 X 30 Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites 1005 Black, 1001 white, 1039 true red, 1295 Sterling, 1056 Medium Tanny tan, 1833 Pumpkin pie, …
Fabric: linen 30 ct Portobello by Access Commodities Stitch count :78X99 inches Threads: Weeks Dye Works Threads 2240 Red Rock, 1105 Harrowhead, 1129 Peach Fuzz, 2253 Sanguine, 2168 Monkey Grass, 2107 Blue Jeans, 1155 Blue …
9 Ladies Dancing & 10 Lords Leaping Fabric:- linen 36 ct Mocha by Weeks Dye Works Stitch Count : 62 X 62 ( each pillow) Threads: Weeks Dye Works 1333 Lancaster Red, 1268 Molasses, 3910 …
Golden Rings & Geese a Laying The original model was embroidered with Weeks Dye Works Fabric: pillows linen 36 ct Mocha by Weeks Dye Works Stitch count : 62 X 62 each pillow Threads: Weeks …
French Hens & Calling Birds The original model was embroidered with Weeks Dye Works Fabric:- pillows linen 36 ct Mocha by Weeks Dye Works Stitch count : 62 X 62 each pillow Threads: Weeks Dye …
Partridge & Doves charts & charms Since I was a child I love the song 12 Days of Christmas and this year I decided to design a series of patterns that represent the 12 days …
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Weeks Dye Works & moulinè DMC Fabric: 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: (DMC Conversion inside) 2259 Cayenne, 1094 Linen, …
The original model was embroidered with Romy’s Creations threads Fabric: linen 36 ct Cappuccino by Weeks Dye Works Linen size cut: 9 X 13 inches Stitch count: 99 X 59 Romy’s Creation Threads Teddy Bear, …
The original model was embroidered with Sulky Petite Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks Dye Works Linen size cut: 9 X 13 inches Stitch count: 82 X 52 Threads: Sulky Petite 1005 Black, 1071 …
The original model has been stitched with 2 strands of House of Embroidery threads over 2 linen threads Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut :18X13 inches Threads: House of Embroidery Cotton …
The original model has been stitched with 2 strands of Valdani threads over 2 linen threads Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut :18X13 inches Threads: Valdani M12 Spring Lights, 0501 – …