Fabric: linen 32 ct Parchment by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut : 13X18 inches Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites 1005 Black, 1001 white, 1328 Nickel Gray, 1295 Sterling, 1035 Dk. Burgundy, 1510 Lime Green, 4019 …

Fabric: linen 32 ct Parchment by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut : 13X18 inches Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites 1005 Black, 1001 white, 1328 Nickel Gray, 1295 Sterling, 1035 Dk. Burgundy, 1510 Lime Green, 4019 …
Partridge & Doves charts & charms Since I was a child I love the song 12 Days of Christmas and this year I decided to design a series of patterns that represent the 12 days …
Fabric: linen 32 ct Cappuccino by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut : 9X13 inches Threads: Sulky Threads Cotton Petites 1005 Black, 1001white, 1174 Pine Green, 1328 Nickel Gray, 1295 Sterling, 4011 Blendables – Milk Chocolate, …
Fabric: linen 30 ct Cocoa by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut: 18X27 inches Threads: Weeks Dye Works 3910 Mascara, 2259 Cayenne ( 2 skins) , 1155 Blue Heron, 1273 Grape Vine, 1092 Grits, 2159 Seaweed, …
Fabric: Linen 30 ct Onyx linen by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut: 18X27inches Threads: Gloriana 12 strand silk 1 skin: 271 Sand Castles, 287 Coral Sunset, 105A Alpine Taupe Dames of the Needle Velvet – …
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Weeks Dye Works & moulinè DMC Fabric: 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: (DMC Conversion inside) 2259 Cayenne, 1094 Linen, …
The original model was embroidered with Romy’s Creations threads Fabric: linen 36 ct Cappuccino by Weeks Dye Works Linen size cut: 9 X 13 inches Stitch count: 99 X 59 Romy’s Creation Threads Teddy Bear, …
The original model was embroidered with Sulky Petite Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks Dye Works Linen size cut: 9 X 13 inches Stitch count: 82 X 52 Threads: Sulky Petite 1005 Black, 1071 …
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Valdani Cotton floss Fabric: 32 ct Cappuccino by Weeks dye Works Threads: Valdani (DMC Conversion inside) O531Black Nut, M90 Chocolae Brownies, M49 Subtle Elegance, P5 …
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Weeks Dye Works Fabric: 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: (DMC Conversion inside) 3910 Mascara, 1331 Brick, 1332 Red Pear, …
The original model was embroidered with Weeks Dye Works threads DMC conversion inside Fabric: linen 32 ct Spanish Moss by Weeks Dye Works Fabric cut: 9X13 inches Threads: Weeks Dye Works 2268a Candy Apple, 2204 …
Perhaps not everyone knows that American history is one of my great passions and this new design born from this but not only.As a woman, I wanted to remember a great achievement like the universal …