The original model was embroidered with Sulky Petite Fabric: linen 30 ct Parchment by Weeks Dye Works Linen size cut: 18 X 13 inches Stitch count: 84 X 98 Threads: Sulky Petite: 1238, 1056, 1130, …
Autumn Favorites
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Weeks Dye Works Fabric: 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: (DMC Conversion inside) 3910 Mascara, 2237 Hazelnut, 1267 Kris’ Bon …
Thankful pillow
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Weeks Dye Works Fabric: 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: (DMC Conversion inside) 1233 Cocoa, 2237 Hazelnut, 1331 Brick, 1330 …
Harvest Home pincushion
My little set is done!!!I love this small set, easy to embroider and quick to finish I hope that you too will have fun making it for your autumn home ! The original model was stitched …
Bless our Land
This sewing set is dedicated to my USA friends and to all those who love the United States like me because this country is my second home. America ….land that I love The original model …
All I need is Love
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Valdani threads Fabric: 32 ct Red Pear by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: #78 Rusty Burgundy, #O557 Rose Suave ½” Ric Rac . …
Old Strawberries Sewing Set
The original model was stitched with hand dyed floss by Weeks Dye Works Fabric: 32 ct Beige by Weeks dye Works Threads: Weeks dye Works: 2156 Hunter, 1331 Brick, 2253 Sanguine, 1091 Whitewash, 1271 …
Strawberry Petal Pincushion
This is my new Petal Pincushion was bron from my passion for strawberries. The Strawberry Petal Pincushion it is an exclusive pdf pattern that you will find only on my Etsy Shop. Happy Stitching…/strawberry-petal-pincushion-etsy…
The Sewing Town casket
Dear Friends, on my Etsy Shop you will find a series of designs available in pdf format. Happy embroidery to all
A Summer Day
The original model was stitched with Romy’s Creations Threads DMC conversion inside Fabric: linen 36 ct Beige by Weeks Dye WorksStitch Count: 89 X 86Linen size cut: 18 X 13 inches Threads: Romy’s Creations ThreadsCoffee, …
Go with the Wind
The original model was embroidered with Weeks Dye Works hand dyed Threads DMC conversion inside Fabric: linen 32 ct Cocoa by Weeks Dye WorksLinen size cut: 18 X 13 inches Threads: Weeks Dye Works3910 Mascara, …
Elegant Sewing Set
The original model was embroidered with Gloriana Pashmina (Cashmere/Silk) DMC conversion inside Fabric: linen 32 ct Beige by Weeks Dye WorksFabric cut: 9X13 inchesStitch Count: 111X 48 Threads: Gloriana Pashmina (Cashmere/Silk), #114 Red Clay, # …