Fabric linen 32 ct Cocoa linen by Weeks Dye Works
Stitch Count: Each side of the biscornu is 59 X 59 ( total of 8 sides )
Threads: Classic Colorworks (DMC Conversion inside)
198 Stepping Stones, 155 Roasted Chestnut,194 Dublin Bay,173 Candy Corn,
090 Used Brick, 172 Cocoa Bean, 120 Blue Beadboard, 243 Wagon Wheel,
249 Thundercloud, 162 Wepping Willow, 071 Sassy Brass, 057 Pumpkin Harvest, 125 Antique Lace, 159 Jolly Holly, 108 Nutmeggie, 192 Caterpillar, 164 Blackbird